
UKTBIOL001: BSc (hons): Molecular and Cellular Biology

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

BIOL0001 Skills & techniques 1 (basic laboratory & communication skills)      3 Credits

BIOL0003 Biochemistry 1      6 Credits

BIOL0005 Cell biology 1      6 Credits

BIOL0008 Diversity I      6 Credits

CHEY0008 Introductory organic chemistry      6 Credits

SCNC0046 Human physiology (Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 1)      6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

BIOL0002 Skills & techniques 2 (quantitative skills)      3 Credits

BIOL0004 Biochemistry 2      6 Credits

BIOL0006 Cell & molecular biology      6 Credits

BIOL0007 Genetics      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

BIOL0009 Diversity II      6 Credits

CHEY0007 General chemistry      6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

BIOL0013 Directed studies 1      3 Credits

BIOL0023 DNA (making, breaking & disease)      6 Credits

BIOL0024 Cell biology 2      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select between 2 and 3 units from the following list:

BIOL0018 Enzymology A      6 Credits

BIOL0020 Physical biochemistry & proteins      6 Credits

BIOL0027 Integrative animal physiology and immunology      6 Credits

BIOL0032 Plant pathology      6 Credits

BIOL0035 Genes & development 1      6 Credits

MATH0108 Statistics      6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

BIOL0014 Directed studies 2      3 Credits

BIOL0025 Practical molecular biology      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select between 3 and 4 units from the following list:

BIOL0021 Protein purification      6 Credits

BIOL0028 Cellular neurobiology      6 Credits

BIOL0030 Plant biochemistry      6 Credits

BIOL0031 Plant biotechnology      6 Credits

BIOL0033 Bacteriology      6 Credits

BIOL0036 Genes & development practicals      6 Credits

BIOL0093 Practical microbial genetics      6 Credits

Year 3, Academic Year

Mode of Attendance: Paid period of experience

Mandatory Units

BIOL0075 Professional training placement      60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

BIOL0091 Data interpretation in molecular & cell biology      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select between 24 and      30 credits from the following list:

BIOL0042 Investigative project      12 Credits

BIOL0044 Molecular & medical neuroscience      6 Credits

BIOL0045 Cell membranes      6 Credits

BIOL0046 Proteins & immunochemistry      6 Credits

BIOL0055 Genes & genomes      6 Credits

BIOL0056 Plant molecular biology      6 Credits

BIOL0057 Cell growth & proliferation      6 Credits

BIOL0063 Microbial physiology      6 Credits

BIOL0069 Plant development      6 Credits

BIOL0078 Biotechnology      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

BIOL0081 Biochemical ethics      6 Credits

BIOL0083 Enzymes in biotechnology & medicine      6 Credits

BIOL0087 Vaccines      6 Credits

BIOL0102 Molecular mechanisms of disease      6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Optional Units

Select between 24 and      30 credits from the following list:

BIOL0042 Investigative project      12 Credits

BIOL0049 Biochemical parasitology      3 Credits

BIOL0058 Microbial genetics      6 Credits

BIOL0060 Neurobiology - systems      3 Credits

BIOL0064 Plant-microorganism interactions      6 Credits

BIOL0067 Genes & development 2      6 Credits

BIOL0077 Molecular evolution      3 Credits

BIOL0079 Clinical biochemistry      6 Credits

BIOL0101 Neurobiology - development      3 Credits

BIOL0103 Molecular biology of animal adaptation      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

BIOL0084 Cellular biochemistry      6 Credits

BIOL0085 Medical biochemistry      6 Credits

BIOL0086 Molecular immunology      6 Credits

BIOL0088 Bioinformatics      6 Credits

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