
International Management and Modern Languages Unit Catalogue

ESML0005: French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the study of French politics and society from the 1930s to1945.
A chronological survey of France since the 1930s which examines issues including: the decline of rural France; politics in the inter-war period; the Popular Front; the Second World War, Occupation and Resistance. Seminars provide a forum for discussion an d consolidation of lectures as well as providing study skills session for note taking and writing historical commentaries.

ESML0006: French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0005

Aims & learning objectives:
By the end of this semester students should have a solid background in 20th Century France, understand some of the key aspects of French politics and society, and have acquired essential analytical and writing skills in French.
Post-war expansion; decolonization; changes in French society since 1945; the coming of the Fifth Republic; May 1968; and the victory of the Left in 1981 together with contemporary French politics and society. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and c onsolidation of the lectures as well as providing study skills sessions for argumentative essay writing.

ESML0011: French politics & society 2A: Les années Mitterrand

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0006

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on and develop understanding of key structures and institutions of French political life, introduced in Year 1. To evaluate elements of change and continuity in the 1980s and 1990s using the framework of the Mitterrand presidency. To encourage st udents to take notes and extract relevant information from written and audio-visual material in French; to discuss topical political, social and economic issues in French in seminars; to build up a student 'log' over the course of the term, comprising lec ture and seminar notes, and notes from preparatory and background reading, which will be of use in revision for the examination.
(a) Lectures: Introduction - les grands evenements; film François Mitterrand, une vie a l'epreuve du pouvoir; Approches de la culture politique en France; la construction de la Nation a travers la culture - les grands travaux; Pouvoir Presidentiel et elections legislatives 1981-1995; l'evolution des themes politiques pendant les deux septennats; l'immigration; la France et l'Europe; Mitterrand et l'economie. (b) Seminars: François Mitterrand, l'homme et son image; l'apres-Mitterrand; les ele ctions presidentielles de 1995; le chomage et l'exclusion; la position; la position de la France a la fin des annees Mitterrand.

ESML0016: French national option F2: La France urbaine

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To study the importance of urban life in contemporary debate on social issues and French national identity, using authentic French material (including film and video); to use a variety of disciplinary sources to explore urban life in France, especially ur ban sociology, anthropology, political sociology and policy studies; to examine cultural representations of French urban life. The unit aims to give students a deeper understanding of social issues in France today; to develop reading, listening and discus sion skills in the French language.
Approaches to urban studies; urban policy; "la banlieue'"; politics and towns; the "new towns" policy; violence and urban life; media representations of urban life; case studies. Taught in French.

ESML0017: French national option F3: La femme en France au vingtième siècle

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW33 ES67
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to various aspects of feminist thought and to situate some of the main debates within feminism. Through a series of theme-based seminars, to analyse women's involvement in events of the 20th century in France, notably the two World W ars and the suffragist and feminist movements. The 20th Century has brought significant social change and this course will seek to evaluate the extent to which these changes were gendered . By the end of the course students should have gained a better und erstanding of gender issues within contemporary French society. (Note: the second year option on Women in France is not a pre-requisite, although students who attended that option will find that this is an opportunity to pursue their interests).
The first couple of weeks will be devoted to exploring a range of feminist ideas. Then we will move into discussions based on student presentations around a series of themes related to women's lives. These might include: women and war; suffragism, feminis m and women's activism; women and violence; politics and power; representations of women; women in ethnic minorities. Taught in French.

ESML0027: French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the respective roles of persuasion and propaganda in French society today, parallels being drawn also with other countries. Where does persuasion end and propaganda begin? How do today's politicians market themselves to the electorate? Have the techniques changed over the years?
After initial work on the definitions of the evolution of persuasion and propaganda, students pass onto investigations of particular areas of debate, events or political parties in a contemporary context. Their findings are presented as seminar contributi ons. Taught in French.

ESML0029: French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will examine the relationship between identity and culture at times of social and political change. It will explore the way in which the identities of different social groups are expressed within the economic, political and cultural contexts of contemporary France. The aim is to examine elements of the French identity taking into account students' own experience of France and its diversity. The unit will pay particular attention to the construction of identities through cultural forms such as mu seums, language, literature, music, film and the media.
Introductory lectures will familiarize students with various theoretical approaches to the study of both culture and identity (nationalism, multiculturalism, ethnicity). Students will then examine the social and cultural frameworks for thinking about the question of what it means to be French. Seminars and case studies will examine themes such as heritage, memory, migrations, nation, tradition and popular culture. Taught in French.

ESML0034: German politics & society 1A: Deutschland und Österreich 1918-1939

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100

Aims & learning objectives:
To trace the most important political, social and economic developments in inter-war Germany and Austria. At the same time to provide practice in German comprehension, speaking and writing. Students should learn to follow lectures in straightforward Germa n and take notes from them; understand vocabulary and concepts relevant to the history of the period; make short oral presentations in German and facilitate seminar discussion as part of a panel; write short essays in German on topics arising out of their seminar presentation.
i) Weimar (1918-1933) a. Revolution, Friedensvertrag und Weimarer Verfassung b. Bruning und das Ende von Weimar ii) Drittes Reich (1933-1945) a. Propaganda b. Holocaust iii)Österreich a. Entstehung der Republik b. Burgerkrieg Taught in German

ESML0035: German politics & society 1B: Von der doppelten Staatsgründung bis zum Mauerbau

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0034

Aims & learning objectives:
To convey in German the most significant political and social developments from 1945 to 1963; to give students practice in understanding lectures in German and taking notes, to introduce relevant vocabulary and concepts, and to assist students in discussi ng and writing on the above issues in German.
i) Westdeutschland: Adenauer-Ara (1945-1963) a. Besatzung und Entnazifizierung b. Das Grundgesetz c. Kanzlerdemokratie und Westintegration d. Das Parteiensystem ii) Ostdeutschland: vom Aufbau zum Mauerbau (1945-1961) a. Allgemeine politische Entwicklungen im ersten Nachkriegsjahrzehnt b. Wirtschaftliche Startbedingungen und Aufbau des Sozialismus c. Die SED und der staatliche Aufbau der DDR d. Der Bau der Berliner Mauer. Taught in German.

ESML0042: German politics & society 2A: Geteiltes Deutschland 1961-1989

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0035

Aims & learning objectives:
To study relations between the two German states from the Hallstein-Doktrin, through Brandt's Ostpolitik to the collapse of the GDR and unification; to analyse the main features of the economic and social system of each of the two German states; to build on the vocabulary and concepts previously acquired and to assist students in discussing and writing on the above issues at an advanced level of German.
i) DDR: vom Mauerbau bis zur deutschen Einigung a) Aspekte der DDR-Identitat (Politische Kultur, Alltag und Stasi) b) BRD und DDR: ein kritischer Systemvergleich c) Frauen und Soziale Sicherheit d) Das Jahr der Wende ii) BRD: vom Mauerbau bis zur deutsche n Einigung a) Deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen b) 1968 und die Folgen c) Kohl-Ara (1982-1989)

ESML0043: German pols & soc 2B opt 1: Lebensumbruche und Integrationsprozesse in Deutschland seit der Wende

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore how German society, state, politics and economy have evolved since the collapse of the GDR and German unification, with emphasis on the new Bundeslander. The learning objectives are to develop an awareness and und erstanding amongst students of the key issues relating to the process of German Unification and to enable them to articulate this in both spoken and written German.
Subjects for close study include the formal process of unification; social, political and economic change in the new Bundeslander, the different experiences and mentalities in eastern and western Germany and the persistence of die Mauer im Kopf< /I>, GDR nostalgia; the lasting effects of the activities of the GDR's state security (Stasi and Vergangenheitsbewaltigung); the transformations experienced by various social categories (e.g. youth, women, the elderly, foreigners) in the wak e of unification. Taught in German.

ESML0044: German politics & society 2B, option 2: Berlin seit dem Kriegsende

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the social and political experience of life in both halves of Berlin between 1945 and 1989, as a microcosm of the effects of the division of Germany on its population. To take full account of the changes which have taken place in the city since the collapse of the GDR and which have brought about its reinstatement as the capital of Germany.
Subjects for close study include: everyday life in both halves of the city during the Cold War; propagandist portrayals of life in the 'other' half of the city; the impact of the crises of 1953 and 1961 on both parts of the city; the changes brought about by détente in the 1970s and 1980s; the unification process and resistance to it in East Berlin; the physical reconstruction of Berlin since 1989; problematic aspects of Berlin's transition to capital city; the 'Mauer im Kopf' as a continuing pheno menon of the 1990s. Taught in German.

ESML0045: German politics & society 2B, option 3: Popmusik und Protest-kultur

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore how German popular music reflects and responded to political and social developments in Germany over the last four decades. Popular music and popular culture are introduced as the object of academic analysis and a mirror of contemporary German (youth) culture.
The study of German politics and history from the perspective of the manifold protest movements provides the basis for the analysis of the lyrics of popular music from Heintje to Die Prinzen and Pur. We will conclude with the analysis of the Berlin-centred Techno-Movement as a phenomenon expressing the Zeitgeist of the 1990s.

ESML0046: German politics & society 2B, option 4: Die Frau in der deutschen Gesellschaft

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims at encouraging awareness of gender as a social variable which must be taken into account just as we take account of class, race, geography and generation when examining the social and political life of Germany. It will examine how gender d ifferences and attitudes towards gender roles affect the roles and representations of women in German society today. The purpose of this unit is to enable students to express themselves both in written and spoken German on issues relating to gender in the political and social structures of German society, to acquire relevant concepts and to demonstrate a basic understanding of the academic treatment in Germany of the issues involved.
The course will examine the changes which 'Frauenbilder' and the 'Frauenrolle' have undergone and highlight certain aspects of woman's role in society today. In this context, it will look at the specific experience of women in contemporary Germany, focusi ng on questions of rights, legislation, equal opportunities on the one hand, and on the representation of women in economic, social, cultural and political structures on the other. Taught in German.

ESML0051: German national option G2: Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0038

Aims & learning objectives:
To consider the effects of exile on the life and work of selected German writers who emigrated during the period of fascist rule in Germany; to analyse the reception of those writers in their countries of exile and in the divided Germany of the 1950s and 1960s,to enable students to evaluate the contribution of émigré writers to twentieth-century German culture.
Students are asked to purchase the following texts (available in paperback): Stefan Heym, Der Fall Glasenapp; Anna Seghers, Der Ausflug der Toten Mädchen; Lion Feuchtwanger, Moskau 1937. Students are also asked to view the following fil ms, copies of which will be made available on video: Hangmen also Die (dir. Fritz Lang); The Seventh Cross (dir. Fred Zinnemann). Taught in German.

ESML0052: German national option G3: Umbau 2000: Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW25 OT25
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to explore the challenges unifed Germany has to confront after the Kohl era and at the transition to the twenty-first century. Processes like the collapse of communism, German unification, economic globalisation, etc., necessitate a fundamental rethinking of Germany's established political practices and institutions.
The option will analyse the major challenges to (a) Germany's political system, (b) Germany's economic system, (c) Germany's social system, and (d) Germany's role in Europe and international politics. We will discuss possible paths of societal modernisati on and the strategies used by the political leadership. Taught in German.

ESML0053: German national option G4: Kultur und Politik in der ehemaligen DDR

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33

Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042. Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will examine the development of literature and film in the political context of the GDR to provide an overview of the development of literature and film in the political context of the GDR and to assess the distinctive qualities of the GDR cultu re. It will take full account of the way in which perspectives on GDR culture have changed since German unification. Through the close study of a number of key texts and films it will identify some major thematic concerns of the period following the rejec tion of socialist realism as a cultural doctrine.
Lectures will provide an overview of the key events in the GDR's cultural history and highlight problems involved in dealing with GDR culture from today's perspective. Seminars will focus on representative literary texts and films of the period between 19 61 and 1989, including works by Christa Wolf, Günter de Bruyn, Volker Braun, Frank Beyer and Konrad Wolf.

ESML0056: German national option G6: Mensch - Natur - Technik

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33

Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042. Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the debate on technology and social modernisation in contemporary German culture and to explore the role of literature and film in posing practical and ethical questions about man's relationship with the natural environment. The m ain part of the course will consist of seminar presentations and discussion of texts and films.
Texts: Max Frisch, Homo Faber; Jurij Koch, Der Kirschbaum; Carl Amery, Der Untergang der Stadt Passau; Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Der Untergang der Titanic; Christa Wolf, Stöörfall. Films: Werner Herzog, Fitz carraldo;; Veit Harlan, Die goldene Stadt. Taught in German.

ESML0058: German national option G8: Gender und transformatsionzprozesse in Deutschland

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
To permit a systematic study of significant processes of social change in contemporary Germany which have become intensified by Germanys unification process, European integration and the pressures of the global market. The unit will examine primarily the impact of processes of social transition and transformation on the identity, social position and opportunities of women both as citizens affected by institutional and structural reform and as agents of change. Selected areas will be analysed chiefly throu gh the prism of gender, but other dimensions will also be explored. An examination of both old and new challenges to traditional gender role attributions and a study of gender as a social variable and a social determinant provides the chief analytical fra mework in which issues such as the withdrawal of the welfare state, economic and political reform, changing patterns of employment, technological advance, mobility of labour and patterns of migration will be discussed.
A comparative analysis of the goals, achievements and limitations of the women's movement as a social movement in the old Federal Republic with women's position in the former GDR will provide the background against which current debates about reform and r edefinition within the women's movement in Germany will be examined. In the light of this historical perspective and of more recent developments in the new Federal states opportunities and perspectives for women's political participation and the developme nt of strategies for social and institutional reform will be examined. The unit will cover topics such as: The first German women's movement, its goals, achievements and objectives; women in Nazi Germany and in the post war period of reconstruction and co nsolidation; impact, opportunities and perspectives of the new women's movement in the 1960's; a comparision with the position of women in the GDR; the 'Wende' and Germany's unification process; the period of transition and transformation since 1990; coun ting the cost and identifying perspectives and strategies for the future. Taught in German.

ESML0059: German national option G9: Die Massenmedien in Deutschland

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33

Aims & learning objectives:
to develop an understanding of the principles of mass communication and an awareness of the common features of European mass media and peculiarities to the German system; to develop an appreciation of the implications of technological advances in this fie ld, particularly vis-à-vis the perspective of global communications.
theory of communication and mass communication; structure and character of the media; historical developments in the German media (pre-1945; FRG; GDR); legal aspects of the media environment; media ethics; funding and inter-media competition; new media - from Btx to the Internet in one generation; media as a political tool; the impact of German unification on the media of both former German states. Taught in German.

ESML0115: French economic & industrial environment

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 ES50
Requisites: Co ESML0120

Aims & learning objectives:
to introduce students to the economic contexts in which firms in France operate, to analyse the causes of economic growth and industrial development in the post-war period and to introduce students to the language of the French business environment.
economic growth and development in the post-war period (1945-1973); recession and structural changes in the 1970s; economic performance and public policies in the 1980s and 1990s; industrial policy: concentration, nationalisation, privatisation, small fir ms; foreign trade in goods and services. Classes are conducted in French.

ESML0116: French written communication A

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 PR40 EX20
Requisites: Co ESML0117

Aims & learning objectives:
To heighten student awareness of linguistic difficulties encountered in written communication; to promote proficiency in the comprehension and production of texts in French with reference to subject covered in the core and interface units; to introduce st udents to the techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and from other sources. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awa reness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: summarisation; translation: points and pitfalls; comparative text analysis: language, style, presentation; elaboration of argumentation; elements of grammar.

ESML0117: French aural comprehension/oral communication 1A

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX25 PR50 CW25
Requisites: Co ESML0116, Co ESML0125

Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in the French language so that by the beginning of the second year these skills can be applied to a business context.
Audio-visual exercises are used to exploit topical news items of a social, economic, political and cultural nature recorded from satellite television broadcasts. Exercises are designed initially to give students maximum exposure to spoken French in a vari ety of registers with a view to improving both comprehension skills and the ability to select and organise key points from the AV material used. Subsequently, exercises are aimed at improving student ability to present ideas orally in French to other memb ers of the student group. A variety of exercises are employed: summarisation and role-play strategies, speed tests and fictional reconstructions from television images without sound. Classes with a French native speaker supplement these exercises by devel oping student skills in oral communication in French.

ESML0118: German business environment 1

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33

Aims & learning objectives:
This unit aims to introduce students to key concepts of the German economic environment. In the second half it will focus on aspects of the integration of the former East into the economy of the West.
The unit first concentrates on the period of post-war economic reconstruction, in particular on aspects of the 'economic miracle' and the social market economy. Then the emphasis will shift towards the reconstruction of the economy in East Germany followi ng unification. Special emphasis will be on the role of the 'Treuhand', the question of private property, ecological 'Altlasten'. Finally we will discuss the impact of processes of economic globalisation on the German economy.

ESML0119: German written & spoken communication 1

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR40 CW40 OT20

Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable s tudents to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. Increasing ly students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce students to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues.
1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-spea king world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures this unit focuses on the various classes of words, their declension and their function within the phrase/sentence, ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and guided composition in German.

ESML0120: French legal environment

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES80 OT20
Requisites: Co ESML0115

Aims & learning objectives:
to introduce students to the underlying principles of French law, to outline the legal framework within which firms in France operate in specific domains and to introduce students to French legal terminology
introduction to the French legal system; company law; droit des obligations (contracts and tort); consumer protection legislation; labour law; competition law. Classes are conducted in French.

ESML0121: French written communication B

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 PR40 EX20
Requisites: Co ESML0122

Aims & learning objectives:
To continue and advance student awareness of linguistic difficulties encountered in written communication in unit Written Communication A, promoting further proficiency in the comprehension and production of texts in French with reference to subjects cove red in the core and interface units; to introduce students to the techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and from other sources. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awa reness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: summarisation; translation: further points and pi tfalls; comparative text analysis: language, style, presentation; elaboration of argumentation; further elements of grammar

ESML0122: French aural comprehension/oral communication 1B

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX25 PR50 CW25
Requisites: Pre ESML0117, Co ESML0121

Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in the French language so that by the beginning of the second year these skills can be applied to a business context.
Audio-visual exercises are used to exploit topical news items of a social, economic, political and cultural nature recorded from satellite television broadcasts. Exercises are designed initially to give students maximum exposure to spoken French in a vari ety of registers with a view to improving both comprehension skills and the ability to select and organise key points from the AV material used. Subsequently, exercises are aimed at improving student ability to present ideas orally in French to other memb ers of the student group. A variety of exercises are employed: summarisation and role-play strategies, speed tests and fictional reconstructions from television images without sound. Classes with a French native speaker supplement these exercises by devel oping student skills in oral communication in French.

ESML0123: German business environment 2

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0118

Aims & learning objectives:
to provide students with an introduction to the structure of the German economy and the organisation of major economic interest groups; to introduce students to the legal system in the Federal Republic of Germany which governs the relationship between the state and its citizens with particular emphasis on the implications of the constitutional framework on the organisation of business; to familiarise students with relevant language and concepts, to assist students in writing in German about the relevant a reas.
i. The German economy a) the structure of the German economy b) interest groups within the German economy ii. The German legal environment a) the constitutional framework of business b) aspects of change in the legal environment of German business

ESML0124: German written & spoken communication 2

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX30 CW20 PR20 OR30
Requisites: Pre ESML0119

Aims & learning objectives:
The unit builds on German Written Communication 1, pursuing the same dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well a s in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and u nderstanding of grammatical structures. Increasingly students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce students to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate co ntemporary issues.
1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of ideas). Austrian and German video material and newspaper articles form the basis for discussion and as sessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures, this unit focuses on complex grammar points and German syntax; ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and guided composition in German.

ESML0125: French written communication in the business context A

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0121, Co ESML0117

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with regard to the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industrial placements in a French company during their year abroad.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and European Community and other documents. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at in creasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc. Students are instructed in the drafting of commercial correspondence in addition to work on CVs and accompanying documentation. Spec ific exercises include: Commercial correspondence: terminology and its application; language, style, development/elaboration of argumentation; specific grammatical problems.

ESML0126: French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2A

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR50 CW50
Requisites: Pre ESML0121, Pre ESML0122

Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in business contexts.
Students are given specific assignments aimed at improving aural comprehension of spoken language, based on video and audio material relevant to the world of business and to the European business environment in particular. Oral and interpersonal communica tion skills are practised in various situations commonly experienced in the world of business, especially telephone skills, job interview techniques and presentation exercises. Classes are conducted in French.

ESML0127: German language in the business context A

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre ESML0124

Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. To enable them to converse accurately, fluently and in an appropriate regis ter. 2. To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with specific reference to material used in the core and interface courses; to focus on the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industri al placements in a German company during their third year abroad. The unit will familiarise students with written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management in Germany.
1. Classes may consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from German/Austrian television. This may include summarisation, answering of questions and discussion of the topics presented to them. Al so office skills simulations, such as answering the telephone, form a part of these classes. There are also free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at familiarising students with specific issues from the German business context. Specific exercises include: comparative/text analysis, acquisition of business terminology, business communication: correspondence, reports, CVs, surveys, statistics, summarisations.

ESML0128: French written communication in the business context B

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW40 EX60
Requisites: Pre ESML0125, Co ESML0129

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with regard to techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis and with reference to the subjects covered in the core and interface courses whils t maintaining a focus on the business dimension of written communication.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and European Community and other documents. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at in creasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: Terminology and its applicati on; summarisation; textual analysis: language, style, development/elaboration of argumentation; specific grammatical problems.

ESML0129: French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2B

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX40 OR40 PR10 CW10
Requisites: Pre ESML0126, Co ESML0128

Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in business contexts.
Students are given specific assignments aimed at improving aural comprehension of spoken language, based on video and audio material relevant to the world of business and to the European business environment in particular. Oral and interpersonal communica tion skills are practised in various situations commonly experienced in the world of business, especially telephone skills, job interview techniques and presentation exercises. Classes are conducted in French.

ESML0131: German language in the business context B

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX CW
Requisites: Pre ESML0127

Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim: 1. To build on the oral and aural German skills acquired in German Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is to enable students to improve their communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocab ulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. The unit will improve accurate conversation skills at a more advanced level of German and improve both fluency and awareness of appropriate language registers for the business context. 2. To build on the skills and written language proficiency achieved in German Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is for students to develop more advanced skills in contemporary German written communication with specific reference to both the national and the European business environment. Students will be familiarised with more complex written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management. The unit will introduce students to more academic texts on business i ssues in the German context.
1. Classes will consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from German/Austrian television. This may include summarisation, answering questions and discussion of topics presented to them. Students will practice office and negotiating skills as well as free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at aiding students' understanding of German national and European perspectives of issues in the business world as well as the acquisition of relevant terminology and language registers. Specific exercises include: writing reports, summarisations and essays on a business or economic topic; consolidation and expansion of business terminology, problem-solving in the business environment.

ESML0133: French written & oral communication in the international business context A

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0128, Pre ESML0129

Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance French written and oral skills within the international business context.
All classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. Materials used in the unit are drawn from across a variety of registers (e.g. business, political, advertising etc.) found in French-language publications, but with r eference also to English material, as well as European Union material and corporate communications. Students are encouraged to use materials and experience from their placement year in business. Exploitation of these texts and materials is aimed at increa sing presentational skills within a framework of sound and well-elaborated argumentation. In addition to written communication skills, classes with the lector stimulate the development of oral communication skills. Exercises in written communication class es include: transposition of English texts into appropriate registers for a given context, e.g. report writing, professional advice etc.; commentary in French of the linguistic and situational features of texts; elaboration of arguments etc.; specific gra mmatical problems. Exercises in oral communication (language) classes include: presentations (individual and group) on prepared topics; development of interpersonal skills required in meetings and negotiations; reports in French on business and political items from French audio-visual material; specific grammatical, phonetic or other linguistic problems.

ESML0135: German written & oral communication in the international business context 1

Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0131

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad. Special attention is paid to oral presentation and discussion skills, to methods of comparative text analysis, techniques of summarisation, abstraction of arg umentation, commentary, specialised translation etc. Students are encouraged to follow economic trends in Germany through regular reading of relevant newspapers.
Classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. The emphasis will be on issues of European economic integration and problems related to the globalisation of economic processes. Certain linguistic excercises will also m ake use of English texts as a further source of information.

ESML0136: French international marketing communications B

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre UNIV0028

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within soc ial and organisational networks of communication.
The unit builds on unit French International Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products & campaigns in case study, in addition to theory & practice in other applications of the Marketing Communications m ix.

ESML0137: French written & oral communication in the international business context B

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30
Requisites: Pre ESML0133

Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance French written and oral skills within the international business context.
Building on unit Written Communication in the International Business Context A, all classes continue to focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. Materials used in the unit are drawn from across a variety of registers (e .g. business, political, advertising etc.) found in French-language publications, but with reference also to English material, as well as European Union material and corporate communications. Students are encouraged to use materials and experience from th eir placement year in business. Exploitation of these texts and materials is aimed at increasing presentational skills within a framework of sound and well-elaborated argumentation. In addition to written communication skills, classes with the lector stim ulate the development of oral communication skills. Exercises in written communication classes include: transposition of English texts into appropriate registers for a given context, e.g. report writing, professional advice etc.; commentary in French of t he linguistic and situational features of texts; elaboration of arguments etc.; specific grammatical problems. Exercises in oral communication (language) classes include: presentations (individual and group) on prepared topics; development of interpersona l skills required in meetings and negotiations; reports in French on business and political items from French audio-visual material; specific grammatical, phonetic or other linguistic problems.

ESML0138: Le management interculturel

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
to develop insights into the cultural specificity of management practices through comparisons between the case of France and other leading industrial nations; to enhance awareness of the cultural dimensions of managing in the international workplace; to p rovide an opportunity for students to integrate their knowledge of corporate, nation-specific and international management practices by drawing on prior study within the degree as well as on their work experience abroad; to develop research skills, oral p resentation skills and report writing skills in French; to develop their teamwork skills, by working in groups.
The focus will be on business practices in France, whose distinctiveness (or otherwise) will be explored by cross-national comparisons. Introductory lectures review issues to do with national business cultures, particularly the question of whether particu lar management styles or practices are nation-specific. They also review corporate culture issues in relation to national culture, with reference to core management disciplines such as business policy, organisational behaviour and human resources manageme nt within major companies. The second phase of the course is student-led, with group exposés leading to seminar discussions. The subject of group exposés and groups dissertations is decided jointly by the students and course lecturers in lin e with the major themes of the course. Guidance is given on the development and presentation of both exposés and written projects, as well as feedback on exposées.

ESML0139: German international marketing communications B

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre UNIV0027

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and to ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisat ional networks of communication.
The unit builds on Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products and campaigns in case study in addition to theory and practice in other applications of the marketing communications mix.

ESML0140: German written & oral communication in the international business context 2

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX30 OR30 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0135

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad and to further develop the writing and oral skills practised in the post-abroad language workshop.
As in the preceding unit, classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context.

ESML0271: French politics & society 2B, option 1: Regional policy in the Fifth Republic

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Regional Policy in the Fifth Republic.
This option will examine the progress towards decentralisation brought about during the Fifth Republic, and specifically since 1981, against a background of historic centralisation of both government and administration in France. It will also explore the potential for a French contribution to the regional debate at a European level. Taught in French.

ESML0272: French politics & society 2B, option 2: 'Capitale et province'

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of 'Capitale et province'.
This option will examine the French experience of regional and provincial identities, and of 'Paris et le désert français' from social, political, cultural and linguistic perspectives. The emphasis will be on ways in which difference is asse rted in the face of modern tendencies towards sameness and globalization, with analysis of a wide range of historical and modern texts and visual material. Taught in French.

ESML0273: French politics & society 2B, option 3: The role & position of women in French society

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to the role and position of women in French society.
This unit will examine the role and position of women in French society. The course will analyse women's rights in terms of legislation (divorce, abortion, the notion of equality) and explore women's involvement in the labour market, politics and governme nt. Taught in French.

ESML0274: French politics & society 2B, option 4: French local politics

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to French local politics.
The focus of the course will be the analysis of political behaviour in the local/regional context. Particular attention will be paid to the sociological and cultural factors that shape patterns of electoral behaviour. Taught in French.

ESML0275: French politics & society 2B, option 5: Rural society in contemporary France

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to Rural society in contemporary France.
The focus of the course will be the development of French rural society. It will examine the recent history of the countryside and how rural communities have adapted to the pressures of social and economic change. Taught in French.

ESML0276: French politics & society 2B, option 6: The experience of women during the Second World War

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to the experience of women during the Second World War.
This unit will explore the experience of women during the Second World War, the Occupation and Liberation. It will examine the ways in which French women developed strategies for survival and how some were drawn towards collaboration or resistance. It wil l analyse the importance of the Liberation and its impact on women's lives. Taught in French.

ESML0277: French politics & society 2B, option 7: La France: une société au pluriel

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to La France: une societé au pluriel.
Changing social structures in France; social reproduction and mobility; the nature and effects of the French educational system; the social backgrounds of political, administrative and business elites; case-studies of persisting social disadvantage in Fra nce. Taught in French.

ESML0278: French politics & society 2B, option 8: Political communication from party & individual

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of political communication from party and individual.
This option will examine the increasing use of political communication in the Fifth Republic, tracing how the development of mass communication has led to the increasing 'sophistication' of presentation of the political message. It will also provide stude nts with the tools to analyse political communication within the French context. Taught in French.

ESML0279: French politics & society 2B, option 9: France coming to terms with the German occupation of 1940-44

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of France coming to terms with the German Occupation of 1940-1944 some fifty years on.
This option will examine the ways in which France has come to terms with the Occupation of 1940-1944, by taking post-war events and individuals connected with the Occupation (e.g. Paul Touvier, Renéé Bousque, François Mitterrand, Maur ice Papon) and investigating reactions to those events and individuals. Taught in French.

ESML0298: French politics & society 2B: option 10: La France dans le monde

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the students' knowledge of French politics by analysing the main features of French foreign policy in the principal areas of the world where significant French influence still prevails.
This option will examine two main issues. First, the foreign policy-making process in Fifth Republic France. Second, the evolution of French diplomacy with regard to the key issues and regions of the post-war world: NATO and the Atlantic system, European integration, Africa, the Arab world, the Pacific. The student group will have the chance of broad coverage or of concentration on a restricted number of regions.

ESML0373: French politics & society 2B, option 11: Political scandals in France

Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics and Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Political Scandals in France.
This option will focus on the numerous scandals that are one of the most prominent features of French politics, how they emerge, how they develop and how they are resolved. Scandals offer a unique means of looking at the inner workings of an entire politi cal system. The course will concentrate on specific case studies, such as the "affair" of the Rainbow Warrior, the "scandal" of the avions renifleurs, le carrefour du développement, and the Bernard Tapie affair.

ESML0388: French national option F7: Les partis politiques en France

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011

Aims & learning objectives:
To study the role played by political parties within the democratic process in France, their history, development, organisation, strategies and programmes since the turn of the century, and to examine what role they play today in French politics in the li ght of the Fifth Republic's avowed goal of putting an end to partisan divisions. To offer students the opportunity to develop their research skills and to gain a better understanding of the way the French political system works as a whole.
The major topics surveyed will be the following: the partisan system before 1958, the bipolarisation after 1958, the organisation of parties, the funding of political parties, and the emergence of new political forces.

ESML0405: Perspectives on Europe - France

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre MANG0082

Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit builds on European Business Environment, to develop students' understanding of differing national perspectives of EU member states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaining agenda between states within the EU as well as of those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU (e.g Central and Eastern European Countries - CEECs).
The unit will address issues: EU membership, background and key data, from the point of view of both France AND Germany, perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by nations (and their business communitites) such as Germany, Italy and CEECs; the Europe anisation of economic policy making; social policy, political objectives and "bargaining" - setting the agenda.

ESML0406: Perspectives on Europe - Germany

Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre MANG0082

Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit builds on European Business Environment, to develop students' understanding of differing national perspectives of EU member states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaiing agenda between states within the EU as well as of those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU (e.g. Central and Eastern European Countries - CEECs).
The unit will address issues: EU membership, background and key data, from the point of view of both Germany AND France, perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by nations (and their business communities) such as Germany, Italy and CEECs; the Europea nisation of economic policy making; social policy, political objectives and "bargaining" - setting the agenda.

ESML0423: German national option G10: Territorium und Nation. Die 'deutsche Frage' seit 1945

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042

Aims & learning objectives:
The unit will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the origins, development, and future of the 'German Question'. Building on students' knowledge of post-war German history, this will be done by systematically analysing the links between the two concepts of territory and nation and how they are affected, or were affected by, German domestic and foreign policy and the relationship between the two German states and their neighbours in the context of the Cold War, the collapse of the East B loc, and the democratisation of the former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
Topics of lectures and seminars will include the relationship between East and West German, Ostpolitik, German minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, the integration of refugess, expellees, and Aussiedler in the Federal Republic, and the political influence of expellee organisations on German foreign policy. The unit is taught in German.

MANG0008: Introduction to the financial management of the organisation

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Co MANG0004

Students should already have taken MANG0004 or MANG0077. Aims & learning objectives:
Students will understand how accounting and financial management serves the purpose of developing and operating a business. They will acquire a broad knowledge of the different dimensions of financial management and accounting which they may study in dept h in later years of the course and an introductory working knowledge of basic tools of financial analysis and practice.
(a) Financial planning and control; The financial dimension of businesses and other organisations; Investing in assets to yield a return - including the use of spreadsheets to calculate investment value and conduct sensitivity tests; Financing asset acqui sition and an introduction to the cost of capital; Estimating costs for planned activities - fixed and variable costs; direct and indirect costs; basic elements of product cost; Preparation of cash budgets - including spreadsheet modelling and sensitivity tests; Annual budgeting, profit planning, liquidity control and longer term financial projections; Preparation of budgets and projected Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets; Controlling operations and cost control. (b) Reporting results in financi al terms; Reporting performance and financial results to higher levels in the organisation - cost centre reports, profit centre reports, investment centre reports; Reporting the results to shareholders and other outside parties - preparation of final acco unts, structure and interpretation of final accounts, underlying concepts (going concern, prudence, materiality, etc.); Measures of performance in the financial press - share prices, earnings per share, p/e ratios, assessing the quality of earnings announ cements, etc.; Outline of the role of company law, the accounting profession and Accounting Standards in controlling the content of published information; Outline of complications created by going international/ global for investment analysis, financing t he business, financial control and financial reporting.

MANG0009: Company finance

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008

Aims & learning objectives:
Students will develop a knowledge of the different forms of finance that a company may use, how to compare their costs, and consider issues such a desirable capital structure, dividend policy, working capital management and approaches to acquisitions and mergers.
General principles of valuation for businesses and securities Source of finance and their costs Managing working capital and liquidity The corporate group cost of capital (WACC and the dividend growth, CAPM, and Arbitrage pricing models) The required rate s of return for non-quoted companies, corporate divisions and individual projects The theory of capital structure and its relation to the cost of capital Dividend policy Short, intermediate and long term financing Mergers, acquisitions and corporate growt h

MANG0010: Company law

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40

Students should have already taken MANG0007 or MANG0078 Aims & learning objectives:
To equip students with a fundamental knowledge of the ways in which business enterprises function both internally and the impact on outsiders. Students will be able to consider the relevant factors in forming and operating different types of business. The y will be able to read and understand company documents and identify their implications for directors, officers, shareholders and creditors..
The concept of agency in the context of commercial enterprises. Formation and functioning of businesses (partnerships and companies); liability of the business, directors or partners, and officers, internally and towards outsiders as well as the rights of owners of a business in different circumstances. Different regimes and rules governing operation; winding-up and insolvency, and the principles involved in controls on mergers and take-overs. The non-statutory controls imposed by the Stock Exchange and o ther bodies in a number of areas including in the area of insider dealing.

MANG0014: IT & its business context

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW25 OT15

Students should already have taken MANG0004 or MANG0077 Aims & learning objectives:
In the last few years, the role of computers in business has changed radically: 1. Computers must now be seen in the context of Information Technology (IT) which, as well as computers, includes software, telecommunications, robotics and smart products. 2. IT is a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage. IT can transform industries and products; it can be a key element in determining the success of an organisation. 3. As a strategic resource, IT is no longer solely the concern of specialist computer departments. Managing IT well is a core competence and an important part of the task of general managers. 4. Organisations have created new roles for managers to be interfaces between IT and the business. They combine a general tec hnical competence with knowledge of the business. This course addresses these issues and aims to provide students with the IT-related knowledge needed for careers as general or functional managers in an information-based age.
Following from the aims and learning objectives, the course is divided into two components: Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion and case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend across functions, levels and locations, be implemented? Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented in class, and are open for debate.

MANG0015: Market analysis

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 PR40

Students taking this unit should also have taken MANG0007 or MANG0016 or MANG0081. Aims & learning objectives:
To show how quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses help marketers to understand the nature and scope of their target markets. Students will be able plan and conduct their own market research programmes after this course.
This course is concerned with all aspects of obtaining sound data for the purposes of market analysis. The course starts by examining what support the marketing decision maker needs in market analysis. This is followed by how effective research can be pla nned and from this point a framework for forthcoming techniques is set. Secondary data location and analysis is covered as is qualitative research, but the main emphasis in techniques is towards quantitative means to measure and analyse markets.

MANG0017: Operations management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50

Students should also have taken MATH0095 or MANG0077. Aims & learning objectives:
This course focuses on the processes involved in efficiently and effectively transforming inputs (i.e. labour, capital, materials, etc.) into useful outputs (i.e. goods and services) and how superior operations performance can be a contributor to corporat e success. The course places approximately equal emphasis on service and manufacturing operations. Using material from a variety of industries and situations, the operational and strategic issues in managing the transformation process are explored. Topics covered include: an understanding of transformation processes and the inherent tradeoffs involved in process choice; capacity and aggregate planning; job design and workforce management; inventory management; quality management and control; supply chain management; world-class manufacturing; the inter-relationships between operations and other functional business areas as a means of achieving competitive advantage. At the conclusion of the course, the student will have a general appreciation of the opera tional function and the critical decisions in the area that can contribute to corporate success.
Process analysis; capacity planning; inventory management; production planning and control; quality management; supply management.

MANG0018: Processing, reporting & auditing financial information

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008

Aims & learning objectives:
Students will gain a thorough grounding in processing financial data and preparing final accounts and a general understanding of what is involved in the audit of those accounts. This is an essential course for those contemplating a possible career in some dimension of accountancy.
The nature of financial data, purposes of financial information systems - manual and computerised systems Single and double entry recording systems and basic ledgers kept by businesses The accruals principle applied to the treatment of various types of co sts, revenues, assets and liabilities The depreciation concept Trial balancing Preparation of Manufacturing Accounts, Profit and Loss Accounts, Balance Sheets, Funds and Cash Flow Statements Direct experience of using an established financial accounting p ackage including inputting data, types of outputs available and the production of accounting statements Basic distinctions between the accounts of sole traders, partnerships and companies Preparation of final accounts from incomplete records Introduction to published accounts The purpose and basis of the audit process; the audit trail and types of audit evidence Developing audit evidence; consideration of the concepts of materiality and audit risk Evaluation of internal controls

MANG0019: Product costing & cost analysis

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008

Aims & learning objectives:
Students will gain a thorough understanding and practical experience in constructing cost accounting statements and interpreting them. This is a fundamental course for anyone wishing to understand how costs are constructed for decision purposes
Review of the nature of product costs and process costs Costing terminology and identifying cost behaviour Historical based cost accounting systems for Job and Process costing (FIFO, LIFO and weighted average) Job and process costing - establishing standa rd cost systems Absorption and variable costing systems (including differential income effects) Overhead allocation including activity based allocations Costing for joint products, by-products, wastage, rework and scrap Cost-volume-profit analysis and rel evant costs for decision purposes Relevant costs where resources are constrained: single and multiple constraints and mathematical programming solutions by graph and computer package Stock control models and the influence of JIT in supply and manufacturin g Costing for JIT systems Costing for service industries Costing for major projects and project financial control

MANG0035: Aspects of Japanese business

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070 Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to critically examine and to provide an understanding of the nature of Japanese business organization. After completing the unit the student should be able to: identify the political, economic and social forces underpinning the e mergence of Japanese business forms; understand the relationships between business, the state and trade unions in contemporary Japan; describe the human resource management practices characteristic of Japanese business; explain the internationalization of Japanese business; assess the transferability of Japanese business practice to alien environments.
The political economy of Japan; Japan's institutional environment; Japanese production systems; Organization and power in Japanese organizations; Cross-national transfer of Japanese production and management practices; Industrial relations in Japan and Ja panese subsidiaries in the West.

MANG0035: Aspects of Japanese business

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070 Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to critically examine and to provide an understanding of the nature of Japanese business organization. After completing the unit the student should be able to: identify the political, economic and social forces underpinning the e mergence of Japanese business forms; understand the relationships between business, the state and trade unions in contemporary Japan; describe the human resource management practices characteristic of Japanese business; explain the internationalization of Japanese business; assess the transferability of Japanese business practice to alien environments.
The political economy of Japan; Japan's institutional environment; Japanese production systems; Organization and power in Japanese organizations; Cross-national transfer of Japanese production and management practices; Industrial relations in Japan and Ja panese subsidiaries in the West.

MANG0036: Consumer research

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40

Students must have taken a unit in Marketing: MANG0016, MANG0073 or MANG0081. Aims & learning objectives:
To develop a critical evaluation of the range of consumer research techniques. The student should be able appreciate the value of consumer research in marketing decision making, to be able to judge other person's research efforts, and be able to plan thei r own research programmes.
There is a strong emphasis on the rationales for conducting consumer research, for qualitative and quantitative methods and for particular techniques. There are no statistics on this course though an appreciation of statistical methods would be necessary to fully appreciate many of the themes developed. There are set readings for each lecture session. Students are expected to have prepared for each lecture by reading the set article, preparing notes and developing issues to debate in class. Each student w ill be expected to make a presentation and lead a debate in class at least once throughout the course.

MANG0037: Cost management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50

Students should already have taken MANG0008 or MANG0070 Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with topical issues in cost management and cost reduction and provide practical insights. The course will be heavily based upon analyses of case studies which address these issues and develop students' abilities to critique the practi cal design of cost management and management accounting systems. This course links cost management directly to central strategic issues in managing the organisation.
Issues will be selected each year depending upon current issues of concern, but the following selection illustrates the nature of the material addressed: A review of activity based costing - where it has and has not strategic significance; The role accoun ting can play in quality control and removing waste; Implications of changing technology (e.g. flexible manufacturing) and changing organisational forms (e.g. inter-organisational supply chain relationships and other organisational networking) for cost ac counting and management; Target costing and kaizen costing and its relationship to strategic analysis; The theory of constraints and continual improvement - implications for accounting; The nature of strategic management accounting; Whether there is a giv en best cost management system or whether there are appropriate contexts for the different recent developments; Implementation problems in introducing new cost management systems.

MANG0038: Depth psychology of organisations

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0070, Pre MANG0083

Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070 Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the concepts and theories of depth psychology and develop the students' understanding of organizational processes by using these concepts and theories.
Core concepts and theories of depth psychology: desire, repression and the unconscious, narcissism, symbolism and sublimation. Mental personality. Interpretation and the use of psychoanalytic interpretations on cultural phenomena. The analysis of jokes, s tories and myths. Leaders and followers, the personality of leaders and transference. Organizational and individual pathologies, authoritarianism and organizational decay. Gender construction in organizations.

MANG0039: Employment law

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 OT40

Students should already have taken MANG0007 or MANG0078 Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is designed to give students a comprehensive and realistic insight into the legal framework of the employer/employee relationship and its impact on the parties directly involved in the wider social context.
Legal framework; principles of contract law; implied terms and duties in the contract of employment; safety at work; discrimination; duties of ex-employees; termination of contract of employment; redundancy; unfair dismissal.

MANG0040: European integration studies 1

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50

Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070 IMML students must take MANG0059 in the next semester if they take this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic grounding in the theory, politics and economics of European integration. Students will complete the course with a sound knowledge of European Union institutions and key economic policies.
Subjects covered will be: integration theory; EU political institutions, their legitimacy and their accountability; the EU decision-making process; EC finances and funds; the single market and Europe's lost competitiveness; competition policy; the EU, wor ld trade and developing countries; regional policy; economic and monetary union; the enlargement of the EU, the EEA and Central and Eastern Europe. Lectures will be supplemented by case study discussions, tutorial sessions and a revision workshop.

MANG0044: Organisational change & design

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 ES30

Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070 Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a critical appreciation of the ideas of management gurus and how these set and guide the practice of change. This popular view is contrasted with more academic approaches and developed through a consideration of the (re)design of organisational forms suitable for an age that increasingly requires organizations to be global and innovative.
Topics will be drawn from the following: Fashions and fads - the history of ideas in change management; The role of business gurus in defining the practice of change; Orders and types of change - 1st, 2nd and reframing; The politics of organizational chan ge; Organizational design and contingency theory; Organizational forms for the future - innovative and global.

MANG0045: Pay & rewards

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40

Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0083 Aims & learning objectives:
The course will enable the student to provide informed advice on the major aspects of pay, rewards and performance management, based on a sound understanding of the relevant theories and research evidence.
The role of reward strategy in an organisation. Economic, sociological and psychological theories which have influenced pay policies and practices. Concepts of reward structure, reward system and reward levels. Different perceptions of fairness which infl uence employees' satisfaction with their rewards. Government pay policies. Top people's pay. Objectives and limitations of job evaluation. Performance-related pay in principle and in practice. Knowledge-based, skill-based and competence-based rewards. Pay discrimination and equal pay. Employee benefits.

MANG0046: Product policy

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0034, Pre MANG0081, Pre MANG0070

Students must have taken one of the above units in order to study this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
Decisions about the product offering are central to a firm's marketing activities and ultimately its long term survival and economic prosperity. This course is concerned with theories, concepts and statistical techniques which can be used to analyse produ ct policies. It starts by exploring subjects which relate to the various stages in the new product development (NPD) process and those which represent important issues that have emerged from research on NPD. The unit also recognising that NPD is an import ant managerial activity which interfaces with organisational, and brand and portfolio management activities. Case studies will explore and develop issues, including the application of various analytical models and techniques. In addition, coursework of a market research nature will involve the collection and analysis of quantitative data for the purposes of new product development decision-making. Themes include: the new product development process, exploring the what constitutes a successful new product development process, idea generating and screening decisions, concept testing and conjoint modelling and pre-test and test market models; issues in brand management including brand extensions as a launch strategy, the challenges posed by the rise of retai lers' own-label products to manufacturers, portfolio management and the product deletion decision. Students should be able to: 1. Understand the importance and risks associated with the new product development process. 2. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses associated with various empirical techniques used in the development of new products. 3. Develop a critical understanding of the theory, concepts and techniques of product policy.

MANG0048: Strategic analysis

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40

Students must have taken MANG0034, MANG0070 or MANG0081 in order to study this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
An understanding of how strategists proactively shape the mission, objectives and strategies of their organisations within prevailing environmental and organisational constraints. Exposure to the theoretical insights and methodological approaches availabl e to interpret and develop the competitive strategic position of the enterprise under complexity and uncertainty. Students are expected to contribute actively to class discussions and through careful preparation to become proficient at analysing specific situations using appropriate conceptual models allied to pragmatic, well-reasoned judgements with respect to the content of strategies and feasibility of implementation.
Topics include: the nature of corporate objectives and mission statements; analysing operating performance; the competitive market/industry environment; sources of rivalry; the value chain; assessing opportunities and threats; the development and applicat ion of core competencies; strategies in growth, maturity and in declining sectors; managing ambiguity and complexity in the multi-firm (global) corporate environment. Case studies are used to explore and interpret issues.

MANG0050: Supply management

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40

Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070. Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student a broad understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations. To differentiate between operational and strategic approaches t o management of supply To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of supply management.
Introduction to supply management and the concepts of purchasing, procurement, supply, value flow and inter-firm relationships. Sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Information systems in supply management. The concept of i nter-organisational relationships. Supply chain management. Negotiation as a technique and management challenge. Lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of associated relationships. Government procurement: regulated m arkets. Logistics.

MANG0050: Supply management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40

Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070. Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student a broad understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations. To differentiate between operational and strategic approaches t o management of supply To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of supply management.
Introduction to supply management and the concepts of purchasing, procurement, supply, value flow and inter-firm relationships. Sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Information systems in supply management. The concept of i nter-organisational relationships. Supply chain management. Negotiation as a technique and management challenge. Lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of associated relationships Government procurement: regulated ma rkets. Logistics.

MANG0051: Technology management

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40

Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070. Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is concerned with the management of technology and technological innovation from the firm's perspective. The aim is to introduce students to some of the managerial issues raised by the creation, adoption and diffusion of technology over time. Th e objectives are firstly, to provide an appreciation of the need to manage technology beyond any R & D department and secondly, to develop an understanding of alternative approaches to the acquisition, organisation and exploitation of technology and t he factors influencing the relative success of these in different environments.
The course examines patterns of technological change, how technology affects competition, the impact of technology on individual firms' competitive advantage and the development of strategies and managerial methods to meet the challenges of the increasing ly technology-driven environment. Topics include patterns of R & D, technical trajectories, sources of product and process innovation and the innovation environment. Developing a strategic approach to technology. Technology as a company asset and tech nical auditing. Technology forecasting and foresight. The relationship between technological change, industry structure and competitive advantage. Factors influencing success in technological innovation.. Different technology strategies and decisions conc erning R&D, innovation and the commercialisation of new products/ processes. The protection of industrial and intellectual property. The diffusion of technology by contract, acquisition, imitation and manpower flows.

MANG0053: Advanced supply management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0050

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student an advanced understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations. To develop strategic and innovative approaches to managemen t of supply To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of strategic supply management.
Recap on previous study in Supply Management. Further exploration of sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Strategies based upon information systems in supply management. The concept of inter-organisational relationships: tr ust, power and dependencies. Inter-organisational networking. Further depth on lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of relational competence. Government procurement: regulated markets. Logistics.

MANG0054: Business strategies & human resource management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40

Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0080. Aims & learning objectives:
The course will enable to the student to study Human Resource Management at an advanced level especially by critically examining contemporary theory and practice on the link between HRM and business strategies. The student will appreciate the effect of di fferent types of HRM strategies on firm performance and locate these within the context of the role of the state and trade union organisation, membership and strategy. The student will be able to evaluate the strategies and policies of a wide variety of o rganisations in the public and private sectors and be equipped to debate these issues with senior HR and Personnel executives. The key topics covered include HRM: Rhetoric and Reality; Strategy, structure and devolution/decentralisation; the pursuit of fl exibility in its various forms; the resource view of strategy; the distinction between high commitment management and the matching models of HRM; cost leadership models and the fragmentation of the firm; management style in the context of trade union beha viour and the role of the state in the UK and Europe. Examples will be taken from numerous countries.

MANG0055: Corporate governance & regulation

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50

Students should have taken MANG0008 or MANG0070. Aims & learning objectives:
The course will acquaint students with a range of issues which come under the broad heading of governance and regulation of corporate practices. This will include the nature of the company and responsibilities of its principal officers, concerns about the state of corporate governance and the special regulatory issues associated with public control over utilities. The latter part of the course will recognise the growing phenomenon of globalisation and the need for regulation by international accounting st andards
Issues selected each year from: The nature of the corporation and the position of shareholders, chairmen, CEOs, executive directors and non-executive directors; The nature of corporate governance and development of a conceptual framework for governance - including the relationship between governance and management; Examples of crises in governance; Governance as exercised in different countries; Whistle-blowing as a means of governance; The place of top executive compensation schemes in corporate governan ce considerations; Regulation of MNCs and cross-border transfer pricing; The regulation of public utilities; International standard setting in accounting and relationship to national standards; Financial reporting in the European Union; Comparative accoun ting practices in selected countries. Financial statement analysis using accounts of different countries

MANG0057: Depth psychology of the consumer

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40

Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0080. Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students' understanding of contemporary consumerism and of the behaviour of different groups of consumers organizational by using the concepts and theories from depth psychology.
A summary of core concepts and theories of depth psychology. Material culture and interpretation. Classical social theories of consumption, status, fashion and display. The concept of consumer choice. Gifts and communicative qualities of material objects. Adolescence and life-style consumption. The Diderot effect. Hedonism and aesthetic orientation to consumption. The influences of social class. Postmodern theories of consumption and mass media. Advertising, images and simulacra.

MANG0058: Ecological thinking & action in management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW60 ES40

Students should have taken MANG0005 or MANG0070 or MANG0080. Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore global trends in social, political, environmental and ethical thinking and explore their implications for the role of business and the practice of management.
A series of focused explorations looking at: the changing context of business; globalisation, sustainable development; management of natural resources; system dynamics; ecological thinking and practices in management; developments in economic and social i ndicators; and other associated issues.

MANG0059: European integration studies 2

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre MANG0040

IMML students must take this unit if they have taken MANG0040 in the previous semester. Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an advanced knowledge of the impact of European policies on individuals, managements and work organisations in the European Union. Students will complete the course unit with a detailed knowledge of social, environmental and sectoral impacts of integration and how business interests can influence the EU decision-making process.
Subjects covered will be: Social and employment policy issues and the firm; EU environment policy and its impact upon business and communities; the harmonisation of company law; sectoral impacts of the single market and business strategies; lobbying the E U; transport policy and trans-European networks; implementation of EC law; the future direction of the EU. Lectures will be supplemented by case study discussions, a decision-making game, and tutorial sessions.

MANG0062: International business law

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0010, Pre MANG0024, Pre MANG0078

Students must have taken one of the above units in order to study this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
To put international trade contracts in their proper framework - in terms of the contracts and their enforcement and enforceability, and in the wider context of how businesses function in the international commercial field. Students will consider the diff erent regimes which are relevant to making agreements in an international context, the problems which can arise and how to deal with them. Common contract terms and business relationships are examined so that students understand the principles which can f acilitate or hinder international contracts.
Legal 'families' and their characteristics. Codified commercial law. Treaties and conventions. ICC and other private regimes. Principles of international trade and common principles of law on commercial agents; business forms; business liability. Commerci al contracts; insurance; international banking; carriage; patents, arbitration, dispute resolution and enforcement. European Union law - competition, free movement.

MANG0067: Treasury management

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50

Pre MANG0008 or MANG0070 Aims & learning objectives:
To show how a large company manages sources of capital, relations with financial markets and shareholders and balances needs for finance with internationally spread organisations.
Issues selected from: Reviewing sources of finance and their costs International and domestic aspects of cash management Sources of Return and risk Value at Risk Analysis Portfolio risk management Foreign exchange markets and foreign exchange rate risks E xposure management:hedging, swaps, options, interest rate risk, etc. Complications in investment appraisal in undertaking direct investment abroad International financing Foreign exchange markets and foreign exchange rate risks Exposure management: hedgin g, swaps, options, interest rate risk, etc. Complications in investment appraisal in undertaking direct investment abroad International financing

MANG0070: Business economics

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40

Aims and Learning Objectives: To use the basic tools of economics to introduce students to the nature of the variety of competitive environments within which business firms have to operate. At the end of the unit students should be able to identify the co st and revenue curves of the firm, understand how the concept of elasticity is useful and identify the fundamental characteristics of the various forms of market structure. They should be able to apply their knowledge to the real world and make prediction s about the likely outcome of various market interactions.

MANG0077: Quantitative methods & personal computing

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW30 OT20

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to quantitative methods used in business situations.
Using a spreadsheet; collection and presentation of data; descriptive statistics; correlation and regression; index numbers; time series; elementary probability; decision trees.

MANG0078: National business environment of UK 1 - legal aspects

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 ES40

Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a framework within which students can appreciate the interrelationships and interdependencies of core management disciplines. To introduce students to the fundamental legal concepts which affect businesses and the ways in which they function. < BR> Content:
The course will examine different areas of the law and the different types of action which may be brought. In the area of property and contracts, the formulation of contracts, their validity, contents and enforceability will be examined. Performance of a contract and ways of resolving disputes are considered.

MANG0079: National business environment of UK 2

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 ES30 OT20
Requisites: Pre MANG0078

Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to develop students understanding of the economic and industrial environment of the UK since World War II. Students will apply what they learn as they analyse current events.
Topics will include: the UK economy as a whole, including GDP, demand management and development; monetary, credit and fiscal policies; foreign trade and the balance of payments; labour and unemployment.

MANG0080: Organizations & individuals

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX40 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0079, Co MANG0083

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of behaviour in organizations through the introduction of key concepts, embedded in the relationship between individual and organization.
Introduction to organization theory and organization behaviour, including: history of organization theorising and perspectives on management, assumptions about human nature, individuals and perception, attitudes and values, learning, motivation and psycho logical contracts, organizational citizenship, ethics and social responsibility.

MANG0081: Principles of marketing

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0079, Ex MANG0016

Aims & learning objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to the concepts of marketing. 2. To understand the principles and practice of marketing management. 3. To introduce students to a variety of issues facing marketing today.
Marketing involves identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants. It is concerned with providing appropriate products, services and sometimes, ideas, at the right place and price, promoted in ways which are motivating to current and future customers . Marketing activities take place in the context of the market and of competition. The course is concerned with the above activities and includes: consumer and buyer behaviour; market segmentation, targetting and positioning; market research; product poli cy and new product development; advertising and promotion; marketing channels and pricing.

MANG0082: European business environment 1: European integration & legal structure

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MANG0079

Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the structure, objectives and policy of the European Union and its legal foundations with respect to business
The content will cover: European integration and unity in the 1940s and 50s; The Treaty Base and legal structure; Business organisations; Business contracts; Impact of EU legislation on contracts; EU institutions and decision-making; Trade and competition - Customs union and CAP; Single European Market and future developments; EU social and regional policies; Policy on widening and deepening the Union.

MANG0083: Organizations & people

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0079, Co MANG0080

Aims & learning objectives:
To further develop students' understand of behaviour in organizatoins, through the introduction of key concepts underpinning the relationship between individual-group-organization in the context of international business.
Introduction to group process, 12 Angry Men/group decision making, evaluating group performance and diagnosing group problems, developing effective groups, leadership and followership , power and politics, organizational culture, national culture, interna tional management and organization.

MANG0085: The internationalisation of business 1

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW35 OT10
Requisites: Pre UNIV0009, Pre UNIV0010, Pre UNIV0011, Pre UNIV0012, Pre UNIV0013, Pre UNIV0014

Students must have undertaken one of the above units i.e. IMML placement year in order to study this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to introduce and assess the forms, motivations and processes of establishing and developing a multinational enterprise. It will explain the magnitude and significance of international business, both in manufacturing and service industries and discuss the terminology used. The students should be able: to understand and assess the options available to companies undergoing the internationalisation process; to analyse the different issues that arise and problems that need to be addressed when establishing and operating subsidiaries and affiliates across national boundaries; to identify and explain actual examples using theories introduced in the course.
The theories of international business, including internalisation, the eclectic theory and other theories of the multinational enterprise. The motivations for multinational operation - economic globalisation, competitive rivalry, resource or market seekin g. The different forms of multinational operation, including contractual forms, equity arrangements, joint ventures, etc. but with a particular focus on foreign direct investment. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each. The strategic op tions for establishing a global network of subsidiaries. The risks of international operations - political, economic and financial risk. The course will use case studies (industry and company-based) and students' class presentations to illustrate and expl ain the theories of international business. The motivations for multinational operation - economic globalisation, competitive rivalry, resource or market seeking. The different forms of multinational operation, including contractual forms, equity arrangem ents, joint ventures, etc. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each. The financing of international operations - international trade finance, international equity markets, capital markets, foreign exchange issues. The risks of internation al operations - political, economic and financial risk. The methods of mitigating risks. The course will draw heavily on examples and will use the case studies (industry and company-based) and students' class presentations to illustrate and explain the th eories of international business.

MANG0094: Economics of incentives

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES30 OT20

This course is intended for those who have MANG0012 or ECOI0010 and ECOI0045. Others with ECOI0044, MANG0006 and placement experience should undertake preparatory reading. Aims & learning objectives:
This course uses economics to investigate the incentives generated by a range of contractual relationships. Students will link economic ideas to their own experiences in the workplace, and they will develop their written and oral communication skills.
Incentives are an integral part of many areas in economics, and so the topics examined in the course come from a range of economic disciplines. The course examines the application of principal-agent models to labour markets, capital markets, insurance mar kets, and corporate governance issues. Some of the topics addressed in the course will be: The use of pay systems to influence the behaviour of managerial and non-managerial employees; transaction costs as the reason for the existence of contracts; the im portance of institutional structures as a response to transaction costs; and moral hazard and adverse selection.

MANG0096: Environmental management in organizations

Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0005, Pre MANG0083, Pre MANG0070

Students should have taken one of the above units. The pre-requisite units represent the minimum level of experience a student should have to undertake this unit. It is very desirable that you should have also undertaken more advanced units in the study o f organizational behaviour, for example, MANG0011 or MANG0033. Aims & learning objectives:
Industry has been blamed for massive degradation to the natural environment. Is this fair? What are appropriate organizational responses? What are the realities behind the green rhetoric? This course will critically examine these, and related questions. < BR> Content:
üThe risk society and industry. Ethics the new, green, ethical manager? Listening to stakeholders. Self-regulation and forcing compliance. Corporate exemplars. Resistance and backlash. Some futures.

MANG0098: Business information systems

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW30 OT10
Requisites: Pre MANG0070

Aims and Learning Objectives: Information Technology (IT) is rapidly achieving ubiquity in the workplace. All areas of the business community are achieving expansion in IT and investing huge sums of money in this area. Within this changing environment, se veral key trends have defined a new role for computers: a) New forms and applications of IT are constantly emerging. One of the most important developments in recent years has been the fact that IT has become a strategic resource with the potential to aff ect competitive advantage: it transforms industries and products and it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organisation. b) Computers have become decentralised within the workplace: PCs sit on managers' desks, not in the IT D epartment. The strategic nature of technology also means that managing and using IT has become a core competence for modern organisations and is therefore an important part of the task of general and functional managers. Organisations have created new rol es for managers who can act as interfaces between IT and the business, combining a general technical knowledge with knowledge of business. This course addresses the above issues, and, in particular, aims to equip students with IT skills for the workplace.
The first part of the course considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion, and case studies. The objective is to investigat e the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways can IS be strategic? What business benefits can IS bring? How does IS transform management processes and organizational relationships? How can organizations evaluate IS? The second part of the course introduces students to the Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) and gives them practical experience with Web-site development.

MANG0102: Financial management and reporting performance - European perspectives

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ESML0130

Aims and Learning Objectives: The purpose is to build on first year accounting and finance knowledge and skills to achieve a balanced understanding of financial management in a European context.
The investment decision, including European comparisons. Risk and cost of capital. Capital structure decision and dividend policy, including European comparisons. Working capital management. Corporate governance and internal control, including European co mparisons. Reporting results and performance. Accounting principles, standards and harmonisation issues - European and global.

UNIV0002: French comparative employee relations

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MANG0079

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to comparative frameworks for analysing employment relations in Western European countries: to give students a basic understanding of employment relations in Western European countries, with particular emphasis on France and Britain. After successfully completing this course, students should be able to apply theories of employment relations to specific cases, understand and explain differences between national employment relations systems.
The course will include lectures on managing the employment relationship, trade unions, industrial conflict, the State and the law, theories of employment relations, comparative frameworks; and explaining 'societal' difference.

UNIV0003: German comparative employee relations

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0079

Aims & learning objectives:
a) To describe and analyse the changing features of employee relations in the UK. This introduction to the subject provides the basis for comparative work later in the course. b) To introduce students to the specific legal, institutional and cultural dime nsions of industrial relations in Germany. Comparisons with the UK will serve to highlight the main characteristics of the German situation and to sensitise students to the reasons behind the complex pattern of relations existing between the "social partn ers" as represented by state, unions, employers and employees.
Employee relations: an introduction; Trade Unions; Employers and Managers; Industrial Conflict; State and the Law.

UNIV0007: The internationalisation of business 2 - French

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 PR15 OT15
Requisites: Pre MANG0085, Ex MANG0060

Aims & learning objectives:
The course will build on the ideas introduced in unit 1 (MANG0085) concerning foreign direct investment (FDI) and the multinational enterprise. It will discuss these in the European and, particularly French, context. Through case studies and simulation, t he course will demonstrate and analyse examples of international business. It will analyse inward and outward FDI as it affect France.
Geographic and industry studies illustrating theories of international business, the motivations and different forms of multinational operation and the risks involved. Foreign direct investment in the European Union and countries potentially included in e nlargement - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available. France and international business; internationalisation of French companies; FDI in France; French FDI abroad; French international business in the wide r Europe. International business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry. b) foreign direct investment in the European Union - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations an d the options available. France and International Business; Internationalisation of French companies; FDI in France; French FDI abroad; French international business in the wider Europe International Business simulation - an all day role play seminar conc erning decisions and developments in a European industry.

UNIV0008: The internationalisation of business 2 - German

Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 PR15 OT15
Requisites: Pre MANG0085, Ex MANG0060

Aims & learning objectives:
The course will build on the ideas introduced in unit 1 (MANG0085) concerning foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise. It will discuss these in the European and, particularly German, context. It will analyse inward and outward foreign d irect investment as it affects Germany. Through case studies and simulation, the course will demonstrate and analyse examples of international business.
Geographic and industry studies illustrating theories of international business, the motivations and different forms of multinational operation and the risks involved. Foreign direct investment in the European Union and countries potentially included - in tra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available. Germany and international business; internationalisation of German companies; FDI in German; German FDI abroad; the evolution of German business within Central and Eas tern Europe. International business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry. b) foreign direct investment in the European Union - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available. Germany and the internationalisation of business; Internationalisation of German companies FDI in Germany; German FDI abroad; The evolution of German business with/in Central and Eastern Europe International Business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry.

UNIV0009: Year abroad in France - work placement

Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0004

Aims & learning objectives:

* to promote the development of high-level language skills in French
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the French culture
* to gain professional experience
Working in a role in an approved organization which will involve a challenging range of tasks, giving an opportunity to put management studies into practice, while also developing language skills to near fluency.

UNIV0010: Year abroad in Germany - work placement

Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0006

Aims & learning objectives:

* to promote the development of high-level language skills in German
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the German culture
* to gain professional experience
Working in a role in an approved organization which will involve a challenging range of tasks, giving an opportunity to put management studies into practice, while also developing language skills to near fluency.

UNIV0011: Year abroad in France - academic exchange

Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0004

Aims & learning objectives:

* to promote the development of high-level language skills in French
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the French culture
* to gain academic experience in a French/Quebecois business school
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a French/Quebecois business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.

UNIV0012: Year abroad in Germany - academic exchange

Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0006

Aims & learning objectives:

* to promote the development of high-level language skills in German
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the German culture
* to gain academic experience in a German business school
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a German business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.

UNIV0013: Year abroad in France - academic exchange & work placement

Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0004

Aims & learning objectives:

* to promote the development of high-level language skills in France
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the French culture
* to gain professional experience
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a French business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.

UNIV0014: Year abroad in Germany - academic exchange & work placement

Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0006

Aims & learning objectives:

* to promote the development of high-level language skills in Germany
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the German culture
* to gain professional experience
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a German business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.

UNIV0027: German international marketing communications A

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0010, Pre UNIV0012, Pre UNIV0014

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and to ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisat ional networks of communication.
The unit is in two parts. The first (in English over six weeks) provides an introduction to the general principles of international marketing (structural, legal etc.). The second (in German) examines marketing as part of the communications process. i. The International Marketing Environment: Economic, social, political and legal constraints Regional markets Globalisation versus internationalisation ii. Marketing Communications: The communications process; persuasion and propaganda Cultural influences, uni versals and their effects.

UNIV0028: French international marketing communications A

Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0009, Pre UNIV0011, Pre UNIV0013

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within soc ial and organisational networks of communication.
The unit is in two parts. The first (in English over six weeks) provides for an introduction to the general principles of international marketing (structural, legal etc). The second (in French) examines marketing as part of the communications process. i. The International Marketing Environment: Economic, social, political and legal constraints Regional markets Globalisation versus internationalisation ii. Marketing Communications: The communications process; persuasion and propaganda Cultural influences, universals and their effects.